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18th March 1979

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Creachan Mor: Text
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Log book entry from 70th R & I Expedition Log - Everest Challenge

Sunday 18th March        Creachan Mor (2156')

Leaders Glip, John Tait, Alan Anderson, Ian Black, Rhona


Hikers  Craig Griffin, Gordon Brabender and Kenneth Hyde


Everest climbers Andrew Wilson (Raljex), Graham Bolster (Rivet), David Eadie (Deedie), Colin Roach (Shrew),  Robbie Mochrie, Kevin Byng, Andrew Davies, Kenny Kerr, Douglas MacEwan, John Kerr



Strong northerly winds. Dry but cold, especially on high ground


The weather was kinder today compared to yesterday, and so the climb went ahead. We had finished breakfast and by about 10:05 AM.

The hikers explored a forestry track leading to Blairmore Hill from Ardentinny.

The main body of climbers followed a forestry track northwest through ClunieWood. This track was not marked on the map.  The group eventually left the track and ascended the mountain up the southwest face along a gully up to Cruach a’ Chaise,  then along to the top.

The second batch of climbers followed a different track keeping to the uphill track to about 1000 feet. He then claimed to Am Binnein and along the ridge to the top.

The climb took approximately three hours - two hours up, and one hour down. Everybody was back by 3:30 PM and so we packed up and left to catch the 5 PM ferry across the Clyde  through a heavy swell,  resulting in many wet Scouts including Colin Roach who was laughing at the others thinking himself safe (to his mistake).

Note:  Andrew Davies and Kevin Byng now qualified for the Ben Nevis stage.



Each group organized their own meals which included two packed lunches. The Ardentinny scout hut was used on Saturday night. The transport used was a social services minibus and Percy. The cost was £2.20 each.


Report for Saturday 17th March

Everybody assembled at headquarters at 12:30 to find no minibus. After some anxious moments, it turned up and we were loaded and away in time for the 1 o’clock Western Ferry across a stormy Clyde. Since the weather was not good, we visited Dunoon for an hour before heading for Ardentinny. At the hut, we unloaded and went for a walk along a forestry trail passing some funny people all dressed in yellow cagoules and red hats who were rather unfriendly.

Back at the hut, tea was made and cleared up. For the rest of the night, everybody amused themselves with monopoly, chess, cards and fighting! At 11:15 PM we suddenly realized that it was actually 12.15 due to the re-introduction of British standard time so there was a frantic (?) rush to pit.

Great event: on the stroke of midnight, Kevin Byng became 12.








Creachan Mor: Text
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